fredag den 22. maj 2009

How to mobilise voters.......

OPERATION 10 - 10 - 10 - 10

How to mobilize people in today's hectic world

We know it all. It happens a lot around us all the time. We are bombarded with information and temptations endlessly. Often it is difficult, indeed almost impossible, to distinguish important from irrelevant. Interesting from boring. Serious from non-serious.

What should you do, if you'd like to have your friends, contacts and other networks to know something specific? And to do something concrete?

Obama showed us with impressive skills how to do it in practice:

Use the
Internet. Not with large mailing lists, where people all receive a common, impersonal message at the same time. But with individual, personal messages sent directly to specific individuals. This will mobilise people.

His message was simple:

2. Get 10 of your friends and contacts to do the same
3. Get each of these 10 to find 10 other people who do the same….
4. Etc., etc.

In a way, it is a modern version of chain letters.

But now by e-mail. Personal. Fast. Direct.

June 4, 5, 6 or 7, European elections will take place in your country. Altogether 736 politicians will be elected to serve for the next five years.

It is important to vote. Very important. The European Parliament gets more power in more and more areas. All are areas which directly affect your and my everyday life. Consumer organisations have, for example, calculated that approx. 85% of all consumer legislation today originates from the European Parliament.

Then, why let others decide who should be elected?

YOU should of course VOTE.

And get 10 more people to do the same. And each of them to get 10 others ...

How to know more ....

You and your friends might ask: How can we get more information before we vote?

It's easy. At this link you will find five credible websites with information, you certainly can use:



1) VOTE ( and if you are not able to come, then vote by letter in advance )

2) Send an e-mail to 10 OF YOUR BEST CONTACTS to ask them to:

b) each to find 10 others who promise to vote
c) - and each of them to find 10 people that also promise to vote –

d) and so on …..
e) and to suggest that they have a look at the abovementioned information page before they


Niels Jørgen Thøgersen

May 2009

PS: Suggestions and ideas are welcome at:

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